I really connected with the anecdote about Covey's problems with his supposedly underachieving son. My younger brother has always had trouble in school with his ADD and dyslexia. That Covey's attempts to fix his son in truth assumed that there was something wrong with his son struck home with me. Both myself and my parents, in trying to help my brother through school, took something of the same approach. Though my brother certainly has improved, I feel a different method could have been vastly more beneficial to his learning experience. I am now eager to try a 'paradigm shift' of my own.
Though Covey's challenge appears difficult, I do not think that it asks too much of any person who is willing to try and better themselves for the long run. The 7 Habits are the 'eat less exercise more' solution to social weight loss in a world of quick solution 'magic pill' diets. I apologize if this comparison is confusing. It may not even make sense but it sounded good in my head.